Produced by Toei Animation and directed by Kazumi Fukushima after the manga series by Muroyama Mayumi, this anime follows Asari, a normal fourth-grade girl. One day, while bargain shopping, she wins t...
Azumanga Daioh: The Animation
Azumanga Daioh is about high school life through the eyes of six girls with unusual personalities: Chiyo (the 10-year-old genius), Osaka (the resident airhead), Sakaki (the shy one prone to cat bites)...
Bottle Fairy
Kururu, Chiriri, Sarara, and Hororo are four little fairies that live inside bottles on their “Sensei”’s desk. Together, they have misadventures trying to understand the human world, seeking adv...
Chi's Sweet Home
A grey and white kitten with black stripes wanders away from her mother and siblings one day while enjoying a walk outside. Lost in her surroundings, the kitten struggles to find her family and instea...
Galaxy Angel
The Angel Brigade, an elite branch of the Transbaal Empire military, are assigned to search for The Lost Technology, mysterious items from the past that hold unknown powers. Led by the soon to retire ...
Excel Saga
Hyperactive Excel does anything and everything to try to please her lord, Ilpalazzo, who wants to take over the planet. Excel's misadventures takes her and her partner, the ever-dying Hyatt, all over ...
Haré was a happy boy living out his days in the jungle with his mother, but then one day Guu showed up and became a member of their household. Throughout the series he faces many hardships as h...
Hirasawa Yui, a young, carefree girl entering high school, has her imagination instantly captured when she sees a poster advertising the "Light Music Club." Being the carefree girl that she is, she qu...
Kill Me Baby
Kill Me Baby is the touching story of Yasuna, a normal (?) high school girl, and Sonya, her best friend who happens to be an assassin. Unfortunately, little Sonya's trained assassin instincts often wo...
Nerima Daikon Brothers
Hideki, leader of the Nerima Daikon Brothers, has a dream to build a dome in his hometown of Nerima to hold a concert for his band. Together with his cousin, Mako (whom he has a crush on), Ichiro, and...
Sunao Moriyama finds a strange but cute creature that he names Potemayo. Potemayo starts following him everywhere, usually riding on top of his head. His discovery becomes the center of attention in h...
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
Itoshiki Nozomu is always in despair! Even simple things like paying for the toll on the subway can send him to a despair so deep only attempted suicide is the answer. How Strange is it then, that he ...
Seitokai Yakuindomo
Tsuda Takatoshi is about to begin his first year in Ousai Academy. His decision to enter Ousai was based upon it being close to his home and he paid no heed to the fact he'd be among the first boys t...
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